MS Windows

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All articles concerning Microsoft Windows

Do You Need Windows 7

When I visited Microsoft’s web site I was presented with 10 reasons why I should upgrade to Windows 7.  I read through the list and nodded my head.  All the features seemed cute, but what I wanted was a bigger hard drive and a faster computer.  Well, Item 4 did say Windows 7 was built for speed, using less memory, only loading background process when necessary and utilizing all the resources of the modern processors.  So I went to the store looking for a big external hard drive, Windows 7, and more memory.  What I ended up with was a new computer.  Why a new computer?  Well, by the time I added up the cost of the memory, hard drive, the Windows 7 package, and my time to install everything it was cheaper to buy a new computer with Windows 7 pre-installed.  No wasted energy there, and I know Windows 7 was installed correctly (at the factory).

How To Make Windows 7 Soar

Is your Windows 7 PC slowing down?  Are you looking for tips on how speed up computer and make it run at optimal performance? You can make your Windows 7 PC soar in just a few minutes.

First, you need to make sure your current computer can handle Windows 7.  Window 7 has been rewritten to overcome all the problems of Vista without sacrificing speed.

Here are the basic requirements  to run Windows7:

Why Not Use Free Software

When most people buy a new Windows PC, they usually bite the bullet and buy Microsoft Office for their office suite.  But there are other options, and the most popular is Open Office (OO).  Not only is Open Office free, but it is very compatible with Microsoft Office,  reading and writing Microsoft Office files.  Open Office comes with all the expected applications: 1) OpenOfficeWriter, 2) OpenOfficeCalc (Spread Sheet), and 3) OpenOfficeImpress (Power Point).  There are also OpenOfficeBase, and OpenOfficeDraw.  Most people probably won’t use the last two very often, but I have found OODraw invaluable for storing the vector drawings I use in these articles.  I also find it useful for flow and org charts.

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